Raising Kingdom Impacters


Seeking the heart of God,

Impacting the hearts of our children

A Mama After God's Own Heart


Join this FREE 5 day email study and learn how to: 


- Identify attributes of someone who seeks after God's heart. 

- Learn how that affects your calling as a mom.

- Discover steps you can take to become a mama

  after God's own heart!


Free Resources!


Fight Against Human Trafficking


Schooling with the Wilsons 

13 Back to School Prayer Points

7 Tips for Establishing Family Routines That Work

Creating Meaningful Moments: Starting a Family Prayer Time

Don't miss what's new in the shop!


Customer Reviews


Shirts for moms, gifts for moms, gifts for women, Religious shirts, valentine's day gifts, mothers day gifts, positive reviews

Bible Reading Trackers for Woman, Boys, and Girls!


I would love to stay connected with you! We are called to do this life together, and I’m all in for it! 


Sign up to stay updated on all things related to Raising Kingdom Impacters! And seriously, let's be friends!

Hey, mama!

I'm thrilled you're here. Can't wait to get to know you! 

What a challenging AND rewarding mission we are called to! I so desire to steward that well, and I know you do too! It's not easy, and we need each other. So grab your coffee, and all the grace, and let's do this! 

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia.

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Amazing Feature

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus, habitasse vitae cubilia.

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